Electronic Environments

Growing up in this generation of technology I am accustomed to the daily effect it has on my student life. Technology in regards to writing and expression is primarily in the groundwork of following the guidelines of the respected medium. There is etiquette a blossoming etiquette in electronic communications, e-mails and blogs, are a new medium that has not really taken a full set of rules yet. Technology will change the way I write and express. As a student I have learned that technology is a medium we cannot rely on totally yet. It can provide frustrations and misunderstandings. I put so much of myself into my work, that relying on technology to preserve and keep it unchanged is a risky thing to do. Which is why its good to have a back up plan, for the reality is technology can falter. It is most important to begin to form ethics for technology, in time the human wont be able to blame the machine for everything. The rules will adapt. I think technology as a whole makes it easier for me to be a writer. I can view old work, analyze past thoughts, and take in the full perspective of what is going on.


What I learned the most in my experiences from collegiate writing is the process. A formula in which to write effectively and efficiently is the goal. Collegiate writing has guided that formula. If writing was all about rolling with what you got then it would be dis-organized and not useful. For a process makes one truly remember and appreciate. I never really reviewed my work after it was graded, but now i do as I look back to see how it could get better, the never ending process of justifying the bottom line and learning from my mistakes. As the conventional wisdom is do not make the same mistake twice learn from your mistakes. That can never get done if one does not stick to the process of writing.

Peer review I feel was helpful, because it allowed a different mind set to read the paper. Which is needed in order to get real results from your work. I feel i could use a lot of time for review, as I tend to put a lot of information into my papers, and can have a tendency to overwhelm with mass sums of content. Someone else reading it can say its over bearing, and maybe it is best to just tone it down. A second reader will look at the essay from their view and find things that I cant see or understand. I am not trying to write for myself, if that were the case all my writing would be perfect, but I am writing for an audience that is far more demanding and complex then I will ever imagine.

Critical Thinking

I would love if all good writing required was to overwhelm the audience with mass sums of commentary and information. I can rattle off facts and commentaries, while typing for hours. Solving all the worlds problems. Unfortunately good writing takes a filter of time, effort, and critical thinking. To see if the information I unload, really justifies the reasoning. I write a lot of opinion related stuff, and talk all the time. Sadly I have developed an arsenal of fun statements that I use in all genres of expression. Some of these statements which i just love have turned up in my collegiate work. For example "catalysts of production" is a term I've used when writing employee training manuals, and its how I also described windows in a classroom. I am able to use my "at the end of the day your name is all you have..." montage in personal narratives, and informative papers on nuclear weapons.

I have a set of beliefs and morals that I use on a daily business. My arsenal of statements and words defines these morals. If I can parlay these beliefs in my work it makes my writing more authentic, it truly defines me. Being able to inject myself in my work takes a lot of critical thinking. I have been able to inject my brand into a variety of work, that is difficult to do, in all the genres and mediums of writing. I have realized I have to be careful. The observation essay was dangerous for me, because I can fire out observations left and right. As i did do. In the initial review from the instructor it was stated I has to much info going on. Ongoing statements like

"Various chair inhabitants took an easy way to arrive, some took harder ways. Yet every filled breathing chair, took the right way. Sitting in the chair was a commitment to be present, alert, and objective".

However I couldn't find a way to kill these wonderful words, and I didn't kill many. It was a detriment to the content of the paper. The notion of analyzing and thinking critically, is the choices I make to adhere to the guidelines of the content, a delicate balance to get the best results.

Rhetorical Knowledge

Writing is primarily based towards some audience, whether their is a motive to persuade or inform. Any expression is directed towards a group of people. I as a person have learned what tones to use and how it is best to analyze my audience so I can create the best tones and mediums for the situation. Since entering collegiate writing I have had to write many letters to multiple facets of society. For letters that I write looking for fundraising help, I have to analyze my audience and provide a gracious humble tone, typing off things like "greatly appreciated" and "their is no doubt", in fundraiser letters. I have to be credible and sound like I am all that. First impressions and stereotypes do play a role. As it is my job to combat them, and sound as professional and credible as possible. For letters of gratitude to organizations I have to provide thanks in a formal tone. Exchanging pleasantries like "I would like to formally express my gratitude", and " I am deeply humbled by the opportunity".

Knowing your audience is key when expressing yourself in any medium. Writing is just as equal as talking because people do make conclusions based on how I sound, the content and tone of my written expressions. I wrote a personal experience narrative that had a lot of changes in tone. From gleeful to glum I had to show that. It is difficult to change tone because I commit a lot of words and voice to where a change in mood, might be a little off. I go from being "poised to succeed" to "sheer and utter silence" both those statements have good words and voice, but they occur so close together, it cancels the emotional effect out to confusion. Had I been more specific and justified why I was "poised to succeed" and how it got to the point where I was in a state of "sheer and utter silence". It would of had the emotional impact that the word choice and voice are supposed to create. Adopting good voice and tone can only be best utilized if it is backed by good organization, that justifies the bottom line.

Intellectual Competences

In expressing yourself, being able to be understood is the most important thing. Some of the most mind boggling things have come as a result of misunderstandings. I will say that the Vietnam war, was primarily a big misunderstanding of ideologies. The north Vietnamese thought the U.S. was replacing the french as a colonial power. The United States considered it a element of the cold war. The North Vietnamese were not pawns of the Chinese and the Soviets. Had the U.S. tried to comprehend it, they would of realized that Vietnam had been fighting the Chinese a thousand years.In another example A Russia-U.S. space project blew away millions of dollars, due to incomprehension on the measurement of parts.

Being able to express things whether it be justifying war, or building space ships. Comprehension comes in to play. I feel that in my writing and communication as a person, I can comprehend well. I feel that one thing is necessary to be able to comprehend, and that is empathy. Being able to look at someone or something through their eyes or perspective is most important when trying to make just decisions. Empathy should be a guideline to getting the job done. Perspectives and understandings all play a role in writing.

This is something I realized as entered the collegiate level. That writing is not about providing mass sums of information, it is about understanding through comprehension. Great things can be stated in the smallest of words. For in essays competency is channeled through the thesis statement. A direction of the paper, to provide guidance and comprehension. Empathy gives me the perspective to know the audience. Where I can adapt, and write brilliant assertions.

The Consensus

Over my career as a student I have always enjoyed writing. For writing is a concrete expression, of my thoughts, ideas, and questions. I use writing in every aspect of my life. My writing has brought me success, and failure. Some people have comprehended my ideas to be brilliant, though just as many have been confused in what I was trying to get across. Getting your ideas across to all perspectives and mindsets is the most difficult aspect of expression. It is an intricate balance of ideas perspectives, thoughts and understandings. Every person communicates in their own brand and has their own motives. It is my goal to be able look back, and have my name be looked upon as someone who is intelligent, and can provide a viable brilliant analysis to the situation. An author, and communicator of the greatest integrity. At the end of the day the name on my work is the most important. For a name is unique in its story and prideful in its journey. My name is Jeff Briese and I have learned a lot as I finsh up colegiate writing, a consensus of lessons, thoughts, and perspectives, that I have learned over time.